Spurred by recent US Supreme Court and appeals-court decisions, the controversy over affirmative action has shifted from university admissions to State and Federal contracting programs. A recent Federal lawsuit filed in Kentucky (Mid-America Milling Company v. USDOT) is seeking to "end the USDOT DBE program once and for all", and a request has been filed in the case to stop USDOT from implementing the DBE Program in its current format, while the case works its way through the courts.

Join IRTBA and Elias Gordan, a construction attorney and former IDOT Resident Engineer, with 40+ years of industry experience as we take a short look at the following.

  • The current state of USDOT's DBE program (and how it got there)
  • Recent legal challenges to the USDOT DBE Program, and other Federal and State contracting programs
  • What to expect in the Mid-America Milling case, as it slowly (but surely) works its way to the US Supreme Court.


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